Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Whoops a Daisy

So there's this thing called trust. It's kinda important in your relationships. Its never more important than between you and contractor. There's also this thing like to think you have it, but trust is the thing that makes you feel kinda ok relinquishing it.

Ok, now that that's off my chest. After an exhaustive paint search, I gave the contractor my paint choices and because I have control issues, I also gave him the samples and emailed him the formulas and a fool proof listing of where they should be placed.

And because I have trust issues, I went by to check it out.

You can guess where this story is going....

So, while I talk myself down from the self righteous ledge where I am now firmly placed chanting, IF YOU WANT SOMETHING DONE RIGHT DO IT YOURSELF...

I leave you a picture of my new glass back door. She's a beauty.


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