Thursday, March 20, 2014

Let's talk about lights baby...

So when you're basically redoing a house there are all these little details to try and keep up with. For example, when you're redoing a bathroom to the studs there are the big things: tub, toilet, sink, shower, faucets, vanity. But also little things: interior plumbing for said shower and sink, fan, towel racks, TP holder. And don't even get me started on the kitchen, now I understand the saying everything but the kitchen sink, except in this case you need that to.

But lighting, ah, lighting is key. Right now my house has a bunch of these little boob lights. You can spot two of them here:

I HATE these!  The lights are builder grade 7.99 dollar lights that look, well like a big silver boob. I am replacing every single one! Well, all the fixtures really. Currently, I have a combination of low hanging ceiling fans like-a so...

These two are in the bedrooms which we no longer need because we added central air and heat.

This beast was in the living room - which I hit my head on EVERY time because the ceilings are so low. We replaced with recessed lighting.

This is the dining room chandy. There was nothing wrong with it, except the bulb was out and it was improperly installed, and it wasn't centered. So Install = Bad but Light = Functional. And as you saw, in the kitchen, more boob lights! We pulled those out and replaced with recessed. And BOTH hallways and the bathroom had a boob light. Dats a lot of boobs!

Now the good stuff - the replacements!

Hallways are getting these beauties:

I picked these up from Shades of Light, a lighting company I found on a DIY design blog called Young House Love. Now, I'm no DIY'er but I do like the idea of saving a buck and these two are masters at it. Their style is also super cute.

The dining room is getting this lovely:

West Elm...all day, er'y day. It'll be magic with the Benjamin Moore Wickham.

The new bath is getting recessed in the shower, over the tub and in the center and then this beauty for the modern vanity - also Shades of Light.
And Summer's bank account did hath command "Let there beeee liiiight!"


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