Sunday, July 6, 2014


I normally give my posts cute song title names...but I can't today. My kitchen is done!! (kind of)
This post will be all about the reveal, baby!!

So let's get started. First the before:

This was the "breakfast" nook as you first stepped in to the kitchen.

This was the view looking straight through the galley-style kitchen.

This is the old kitchen door.

This is the view from the back.

This is it dead on.

Enough with the old. Lets talk about the new baby!!!

NOW this is the view as you step in to the kitchen.

This is my beloved backsplash. So worth scraping out the other grout.

When we tore down the wall, we put in this glorious island.

Funny story, originally we put in a full size fridge. Um, the door wouldn't open. So we had to exchange it for counter depth. Our contractor told us we were crazy, nothing would fit inside. It turned out fine it just means I have to go to the market more often.

 There is just a ton of storage in this kitchen.

That's the new window. We replaced the old dinky one with this humongous beauty. I love the light it gives us.

 We have a wall mount oven and microwave, next door to our spice pantry.

 This is the view from the back door, where we have our new washer and dryer, to the front.


 Um, the kitchen door. 'Nuff said.

And another overview, well just because.

Now the coveted side by sides.

OOOH WEEE!!!!! Sadly, not done it here. We still need:
  1. Window Coverings
  2. Electrical outlets in the Island.
  3. Rug for in front of the kitchen sink
  4. Some kind of pretty decorative, plates, glasses, cake stands, for the center shelf in the glass cabinets.
Then we should be DONE. 

I love it.


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