Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I Woke Up Like This hammering...and nailing...
I. Will. Be. Glad. When. This. Is. Over.

Day 1: 7:00 am ON A SATURDAY. The hammering was loud. I was grouchy. So, I went to the beach. This was my addition when I got back.

Day 2. Sunday - blissful peace and quiet.

Day 3. 7:00 AM on a HOLIDAY. Grrrr.  This time I went to my happy place...South Coast Plaza.
When I got back it looked like this...

Day Four. No workers today. PRAISE HIM. But when I went out there to see what work had been completed ( I didn't check the day before because it was too dark). It looked like this.

 200 square feet of sexy goodness with a 6 foot cut out for my french doors. Then I noticed..something seemed missing. I looked, walked around inside...what could it be? I thought. Then it hit me...
Can you guess it? Any ideas?

WINDOWS. THERE ARE NONE. (My use of caps in this post is a little ridiculous no?) 

Anywho, no windows. Contractor mistake, there was some debate about that and even a very misguided attempt to persuade me that with french doors I didn't NEED any windows. Trying to argue with a woman who has been awakened at 7 am by hammers and power saws over the weekend after a 60 hour work week is not a good idea. I won. Windows go in.

There is a moral to this story (and long ass post). Sometimes, when you're working with someone more experienced than you, they use your lack of knowledge against you. They may try to convince you you don't "need" what you want. That's dumb. I didn't need a three bedroom house, I wanted one. And I paid for one. So, you dear sir, are you going to give me exactly what I want and not what you think I need.

I am so immensely grateful to my contractor and just in general for being able to buy a house and be able to afford construction. But that doesn't mean I will be bullied. My parents overheard my contractor telling his workers.. "No, No, do it perfect. She is very picky." #DAMNSTRAIGHT


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

And miles to go before I sleep

I finally moved in!! But I have a problem. I bought my old furniture for my old space...and it was glorious in there. In here, not so much. I know Rome wasn't built in a day but I want my house to be!!

Until then I have to satisfy myself (and you) with progress shots.



That's my now too small couching peeking out of the corner.

The major changes in this room are:
  • Wall Color - Benajmin Moore Horizon
  • Lightened the hardwood floors
  • Tiled (marbled I guess) the fireplace
  • Added recessed lighting    

We got also rid of that enormous ceiling fan (although its a 100 degrees today and our ac isn't in yet and I wish we hadn't!) It wasn't much, but it made a huge impact on the space. Now, the impact to my wallet? Also not so much.
Floors - $500
Recessed Lighting - $1100
Tile fireplace - $200
Paint - $500
The above are estimates because we did all the floors at once,  all the paint at once, etc. 
I love it in there when the light starts streaming through and I'm gazing at my Magnolia tree. It's like my own little slice of heaven!


Monday, May 5, 2014

All of the lights, All of the lights

My light fixtures are IN. LOVE these suckas.

Check check, check em out.

This one is my fav, the West Elm Capiz Chandelier. Its modern and romantic at the same time. Chandelier, I heart much I will show you from another angle.

Stop it. Love.

Then these little beauties:

Front Entry:

and Hallway

Do you spy my aforementioned one trillion dollar bathroom? I can not WAIT to reveal this sucka. Just trying to figure out how to take pics because its oddly shaped. Also, ignore the gaping hole next to the light...thats for the AC which is coming soon.

And the office:

I have been wanting to paint something this turquoise since SJP painted her apartment wall this color in Sex and the City. I couldn't commit to a wall. But the ceiling makes me happy. Its Skydive by Benjamin Moore. That little Capiz shell pendant is also from West Elm and is a nod to the chandelier in the dining room (same material) and the star pendants (Nickel finishing).

Its all coming togeva. I don't know why, but I love misspelling words.... almost as much as I love that chandelier. 
