Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Come On Baby Light My Fire.

I wanted to tile the fireplace...and then I decided it could wait ($$$)...then I thought I would paint it.
Then I decided I would wait. Then I pinned one million photos of fireplaces that I liked. Then this happened:

When I saw it, this happened:

And in case you were wondering...



Wondering about the cost for such a game changing renovation? 200 smackaroos. That's right. Two. Hunded. (I didn't spell it wrong, I want you to pronounce it like that) 

Carerra Marble Tile (actual marble cut into tiles from International Tile Company) 200.07 
Install: 800 freeeeee!!! (contractor made a mistake and this was his make good.)

I bought way more than was needed, I have a case left that I will find something to do with. Just for your general knowledge, $800 to tile the fireplace was a fortune. It should have cost more like 300 to tile such a small area but free is even betta.

 It's the little things y'all.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great!! Soon your remodel will be over and you can enjoy all your hard work. If you get the remodel bug again my house is always available. ;)
