Friday, December 12, 2014

Wall of Fame

Hi lovelies!!

Its been awhile. I have been working my little fingers to the bone. BUT, i'm still working on my house.
Also, its my first Christmas that I'll be hosting!! So stay tuned for those pics because I plan on going all OUT!

But I'm also trying to finish up some projects before we have guests. Not the least of which is our Wall of Fame Gallery wall.

A little back story, last year I had a big birthday party with a Photo Booth. All of my friends and family were there and they all took photos. They are AWESOME.  I decided to take some of these photos and make a gallery wall.
This wall required many steps:
1. Determining the best place to display the photos
2. Determining how many photos I wanted to display (there were a LOT).
3. Determining what size frames
4. Layout
5. Frame Hanging

I'm on step 5.

This is what I decided on for layout and location. It'll be the first thing you see when you step in our house.

And this grainy shot is me trying out the frames.

Trying to figure out how to mount these puppies was a giant pain in the you know what.  As you can see, these aren't even. Sooo, now I have to go and get a level. Crooked frames will drive me crazy.

Can't wait to show you the final!


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